Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To contribute towards funding the salary of the office coordinator
Year of grant: 21/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067042
Amount awarded: £5000
Full description
We are seeking funding towards the salary costs for our Office Co-ordinator based in our Edinburgh centre. This role is pivotal to the smooth and efficient running of the centre where we provide tailored support to unemployed women impacted by financial hardship.
The Office Co-ordinator plays a key role in running of the centre including confirming appointments, carrying out follow-up calls to ensure the job status of every woman is known, data inputting and ensuring our CRM system and records are up-to-date and accurate. This is vital to enable us to demonstrate our impact. Another important task of the Office Co-ordinator is the day-to-day management of stock to ensure we have sufficient high-quality interview and work clothing and accessories for the women we support.
The Office Co-ordinator plays a huge part in creating a warm, welcoming space for the women we support. Quite often, they are a client?s first contact with Smart Works so it is imperative they have the skills to quickly establish rapport with our clients and make them feel at ease upon entering our centre.
The Office Co-ordinator is line managed by the Centre Manager and performance is assessed during monthly supervision support meetings and annual appraisals.