Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards holding a keep fit and health awareness workshop for 10 weeks, plus creche facilities, for black/minority ethnic women.
Year of grant: 26/6/2014
FR Number: FR-0030056
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
This application is towards the cost of providing a ten week keep fit and health awareness group for BME women and the crèche required so that participants can attend. The total cost of the project includes a keep fit tutor for 1 hr per week (£25 x 10) = £250; community outreach worker with a community language to recruit, organise and support the women and a volunteer to assist delivery (5 hours per week x 12 weeks x £12.50ph) = £750; crèche provision = £425; room hire (for course & crèche) = £605.25. The £30.35 deficit between the request and the total project cost would be met by the organisation. The project will allow BME women most of whom will be from areas of significant deprivation (Wester Hailes, Sighthill, Parkhead, Broomhouse) to undertake regular exercise and learn from visiting health professionals about major diseases prevalent among BME communities and take steps to prevent ill health or improve/maintain their health. It will also provide a social network of women who can offer peer support. Around 30 women are expected to take part in the keep fit classes with another 90 joining in the health sessions. This figure is based on their previous numbers running similar sessions.