Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards delivering the Ladies Connecting project for women and girls.
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046775
Amount awarded: £10000
Location: Dundee
Full description
The grant will cover the cost of the salary of a part time project worker (£7,500); volunteer training (£200); the provision of community lunches and refreshments (£1700); printing and flyers (£100) and a contribution to the costs of new equipment including a cooker, pots and a sewing machine (£500). This will allow the Attic to continue to deliver and develop the ?Ladies Connecting? project which supports local women to meet up on a regular basis through the delivery of an afternoon drop in session, community lunch group and befriending activities. They estimate that a total of 50 women will benefit from this project, in the coming year.