Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards exercise classes and complimentary therapies for women.
Year of grant: 18/3/2015
FR Number: FR-0032284
Amount awarded: £1980
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The grant will support the provision of a weekly programme of support for 30 women in Govanhill. Funding will pay for the cost of a fitness instructor (£1215), venue hire (£230), complimentary therapies (£360), correct breathing workshops (£60) and volunteer expenses. The group seeks to provide opportunities for women to take part in activities which will promote their physical and mental health. They have identified the value of providing complimentary therapies such as massage in helping women combat depression. The correct breathing workshops will help them develop breathing techniques to cope with anxiety and stress. The availability of the women only groups reduces the barriers to participation women from BME communities might face. Consequently their isolation will be reduced.