Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the cost of delivering the Haven Lymphoedema self-management programme.
Year of grant: 6/12/2016
FR Number: FR-0038862
Amount awarded: £30000
Location: BLANTYRE
Full description
The grant will help to cover staffing costs (£10,000 per year over 3 years towards the project coordinator?s salary). This will contribute to the delivery of a lymphoedema self-management programme. Lymphoedema is swelling when the lymphatic system does not easily drain fluid and is often a side effect of breast and gynaecological cancer and treatments. A self management training programme will be delivered to groups of women across North and South Lanarkshire, offering advice and support on how to manage the symptoms, prevent them from developing further and support women to deal with the emotional, sexual and body image issues that are associated with it. The sessions will be delivered to a minimum of 80 women per year, 240 over the three year period.