Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards recruiting volunteers, volunteer expenses, running gardening classes and purchasing kitchen equipment, safety boots, waterproof jackets and gardening tools.
Year of grant: 13/9/2016
FR Number: FR-0037818
Amount awarded: £1742
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The grant will cover the cost of establishing the Grow Healthy project by purchasing 5 kitchen sets (pots, pans and baking sheets (£199.95), 5 hand blenders (£22.50), crockery & cutlery (£100), fees for gardening classes (£50 per hour, 4 x 2 hour classes, £400), volunteer recruitment and expenses (£200), gardening tools, compost & seeds (£200), garden shed (£416.65), 7 pairs safety wellington boots (£69.30), 7 insulated waterproof jackets (£139.93). The project will involve women residents at the existing FairStart project to develop the skills and confidence to produce low-cost healthy meals through gardening, cooking meal planning and budgeting. 10 women will directly benefit from the project i.e. the current residents at FairStart and their successors. A further £300 has been applied for from other sources.