Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of running the Ozzy's Wellbeing Women's Group.
Year of grant: 13/9/2016
FR Number: FR-0037715
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The grant will contribute to the costs of a Project Manager (£900), two Support & Development Practitioners (£1,120), three 1-1 Support & Personal Care Assistants (£1,155), volunteer expenses (£140), specialist coaching (20 hours x 2 coaches £720), specialist learning guest speakers (£250) and catering (£450). This will enable the applicant to set up and pilot a new club - Ozzy's Wellbeing Women's Group - Getting Fit-For-Fun ? to engage young women aged 16 years and over in a range of activities focused on health. The pilot will run for 3 hours on Tuesday evenings for 10 weeks in Cathcart, Glasgow. Partly funded through the charity?s own resources and fee, it will provide a mixture of activities including exercise, dance and drama, conversations and group work to develop a healthy approach to food choices. If successful funding for its continuation will be sought in 2017. 30 people will directly benefit from the pilot scheme.