Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To contribute towards a 2 day workshop on womens health.
Year of grant: 4/4/2014
FR Number: FR-0029388
Amount awarded: £1340
Location: AYR
Full description
This application is towards the cost of providing a bespoke 5 day workshop programme involving a 3 day residential stay and a 2 day follow-up at a later date. The workshops will be delivered by a local certified Complementary Therapist who has worked with the group in the past and has devised the workshops to help them address some of their deep-seated beliefs and behaviours which are adding to the stress that the women?s ill-health already causes. The workshops will use and teach a number of techniques including Theta Healing, a simple technique which identifies outdated thoughts, patterns and behaviours and replaces them with beliefs that are applicable to who the women are today and Manifestation Acceleration Techniques (MAT) which will help the women to clearly define their goals to help them choose what they really want. The 3 day residential aspect would take place at Seamill Hydro Hotel and then, later in the year the two day follow up would take place in a nearby community centre which wouldn?t require an overnight stay. All 11 women in the group would benefit.