Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
to contribute towards the cost of delivering the Women's Aid project.
Year of grant: 15/6/2018
FR Number: FR-0044257
Amount awarded: £5000
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The grant would contribute towards the cost of sessional workers (£2,600); volunteer expenses (£200); room hire (£600); facilitators (£500); transport (£350); catering (£560); admin and consumables (£490) to continue their successful Female Gentle Mutilation (FGM) Project which received WFS funding in 2016. They would run five sessions of a two-day course on FGM for Sudanese women in Edinburgh. Each session will be for three hours. The first day will cover the physical and mental health impact of FGM; the Child Protection Act and law; and human rights related to FGM in Scotland. The second day will cover FGM and gender identity, religious beliefs and social and sexual consequences of FGM as well as signposting other related services. Around 10 women would participate on each course.