Investment theme: Growing social connections
To fund a Wellbeing Officer to provide fortnightly Woodland Wellbeing groups for Women aged 16 and above in an outdoor setting: the Wild Wummin Woodland Wellbeing group.
Year of grant: 27/2/2023
FR Number: FR-0067488
Amount awarded: £5000
Location: Grangemouth
Full description
We would like to provide fortnightly Woodland Wellbeing groups for Women aged 16 and above. The group will meet for approx 3 hours per fortnight in an outdoor setting, supported by UTT staff and volunteers. The aim of the group is to provide skills through outdoor learning, boost confidence, increase social connections and support and increase health and well-being.
Activities will range from outdoor cooking, practical skills, mindfulness, outdoor yoga, nature walks, nature identification, and outdoor art. The group will decide on the plan for the events with support from UTT.
As we want to support confidence and well-being we will keep numbers to a maximum of 12, allowing UTT to support the group and build relationships/connections.
The group will be advertised initially through our partnerships at local schools/colleges/ NHS Forth Valley, Falkirk Council to provide spaces to those women who are isolated, lacking confidence, struggling with social skills/mental health/employability initially.
We are asking for a minimum commitment of 6 weeks from participants. Participants will be (should they wish) provided with training to run sessions/volunteer with UTT going forward.
There currently isn't a group in Falkirk and Stirling providing Woodland Wellbeing sessions for women.