Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To fund new Hen's sheds.
Year of grant: 15/3/2022
FR Number: FR-0061379
Amount awarded: £4590
Location: DUMFRIES
Full description
Currently they run their Hens? Shed project in Dumfries and this grant will cover development costs over six months to enable them to expand the service to include groups in Annan, Castle Douglas and Stranraer. In order to develop groups in these areas their Manager and Development Worker will need to dedicate time to liaison with partner agencies to confirm the need, identify women to join the groups, run 2 open sessions in each area to provide women with a chance to come along to see whether they would like to join the group, find venues for the groups to run, and source funding to cover the cost of development workers to facilitate the groups. The grant will fund: Manager?s time for partner liaison, open sessions and grant funding applications (£3,150); Hens' Shed development worker time for venue sourcing and open sessions (£840); venue costs for 6 open sessions (£300); and travel costs (£300). 60 women will benefit from this grant once the three new hens? sheds have been established.