Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To cover the cost of running a mental health project for women
Year of grant: 15/3/2022
FR Number: FR-0061725
Amount awarded: £2900
Location: Ayr
Full description
The grant will contribute to the cost of a new project for women, mainly young single mums, to provide support with budgeting, literacy, form filling, accessing benefits and food, and generally improving their confidence and self esteem to improve their daily lives, health and wellbeing. This is very much in its early stages with a loose plan to tailor the sessions around the needs of those attending, and approximate costs to get it started for twelve weeks initially. The aim is for it to progress in to a peer led group as the mum's grow in confidence to meet with each other regularly. The need for this project has been identified following the winter grant funding received at the end of 2021 whereby the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator was supporting young mum's with crisis grants for their energy costs and, from there, developed relationships with them to the point they could disclose other challenges and struggles they needed help with in terms of food, budgeting and feelings of isolation and loneliness. Up to 50 women will benefit.
Facility hire - £1,000 - this is based on venue hire for community halls/church halls between £20-£30 per hour for 2-3 hours per week for 12 weeks depending on a suitable location(s)
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator - £2,400 - based on £50 a day for coordinator and remainder for support staff/volunteers.
Freelance support - £850 - this is for a treat day at the end of the 12 weeks for the women to help make them feel good about themselves and provide a reminder of their time at the group by getting a massage, hair and make up done for a group picture.
Voucher support for participants - £1,000 - this will be a crisis voucher scheme to enable the coordinator to give discretionary financial support in the way of vouchers, top up cards, gift vouchers for the local pantry etc as and when is needed.
Refreshments - £750 - to provide a breakfast/snacks for the sessions.