Investment theme: Improving health and well-being
To deliver a series of workshops and communal activities across the Western Isles that will aim to improve the health and wellbeing of women and girls.
Year of grant: 16/3/2024
FR Number: FR-0076628
Amount awarded: £9000
Full description
We have created a holistic programme aimed at helping women and girls to have increased self-esteem & independence, supporting them to regain and develop resilience & confidence, and improve their physical/mental well-being by nurturing lasting self-empowerment strategies. We are seeking funding to support the employment of a designated coordinator who will manage the delivery of:
1. Get S.E.T. (Self Esteem Techniques, training for Volunteering Hebrides staff provided by MsMissMrs) ? 6-weekly workshops for girls, aged 13-18, which focuses on improving emotional, physical, mental and social wellbeing by providing the tools needed to build, or re-build, self-esteem and self-awareness. This programme meets the health and wellbeing outcomes in Scotland?s Curriculum for Excellence, and is ASDAN accredited.
2. Queen Bees - specially created for women aged 18+ to learn new craft skills, build positive healthy relationships in a safe and relaxing environment.
3. Blones on Bikes ? supported outdoor activities: cycling, woodland adventures and gardening, promoting the health benefits of being outdoors and improving physical/mental wellbeing.
4. Access to our free listening and counselling services delivered by our BACP registered counsellor.
As participants grow in confidence, where appropriate, they will be supported into volunteering/mentoring roles, promoting intergenerational activity and providing opportunity for developing leadership skills.