Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
To contribute towards the salary of a Deputy Manager to safely re-establish their regular women-only group work activities ((digital) ESOL English classes, Toddler group and Chai & Chat group); and provide additional support and advice to women approachin
Year of grant: 23/9/2020
FR Number: FR-0054830
Amount awarded: £4056
Location: Glasgow
Full description
The grant will contribute towards the salary of a Deputy Manager through funding an additional day per week (7 hours per week @ £18/hour x 26 weeks=£3,276) and a hall hire (3 hours per week @ £10/hour x 26 weeks=£780). This will allow the organisation to safely re-establish their regular women-only group work activities ((digital) ESOL English classes, Toddler group and Chai & Chat group); and provide additional support and advice to women approaching the advice consultation drop-in service. The project will run from November 2020 until April 2021 and the frequency/days/timings of the group work are still to be established. It will be delivered from the organisation?s office in Govanhill and the Govanhill Free Church hall. Approximately 100 women will benefit.