Investment theme: Moving on from abuse
To fund a part time information worker from April 20022 to March 2023.
Year of grant: 15/3/2022
FR Number: FR-0061713
Amount awarded: £4972
Location: Glasgow
Full description
We would like to employ a part time (6 hours per week) information worker from April 20022 to March 2023. This has become essential due to the distribution of devices to support women to access the internet, women's concerns about health in relation to their health (Covid) changes in the way services are being provided, i.e. more online support and services and to allow us to reintroduce our services to women across Glasgow and beyond.
We are requesting funding for 6 hours per week of a 16 hour post. The focus of the work funded by the Women?s Fund would be;
? to increase our reach, taking advantage of women's access to technology.
? to update our database.
? to increase our social media presence.
? Maintain our website.
We are also applying for a further 10 hours week from a local fund to allow the Information Worker to also
? Evaluate changes to our services in relation to covid.
? Develop further online services.
? Provide administration support for the Manager and Strategic Development Worker
? Provide consistent telephone cover
? To advertise courses and events both online and via post.
We believe this will provide us with enough support not only to reintroduce our services, both events and information, to women, but also to ensure we continue to utilise the skills and information developed through the pandemic, e.g. delivery of online courses.
We are also currently coordinating a project in Glasgow that is surveying women?s experiences of harassment and abuse in public spaces. We are in negotiations to develop this further as a National project. As this develops the post will be central in highlighting women?s experiences via social media. We hope this not only encourages further understanding of harassment and abuse, but also as we have developed an app to hold the information on, that women will be signposted to relevant services for support.
The Information Worker will be based in our Glasgow office. Currently we have two members of staff, Manager and Strategic Development Worker. As the remit of these posts is often outside the office it is challenging to respond quickly to enquiries. A consistent presence in the office will allow this to happen.
We are also requesting £500 for equipment to allow the Information Worker to work from home if required through Covid restrictions.