Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of a Peer Support Engagement Worker.
Year of grant: 23/7/2014
FR Number: FR-0030205
Amount awarded: £2000
Location: ALLOA
Full description
The grant will contribute to costs of delivering a peer-led support programme to 20 young mums aged 18-25 that aims to build confidence, improve well-being and restore a sense of belonging to the local community. The grant would contribute to salary costs of an Engagement Worker for 2.5 hours a week for 30 weeks (£574.50), and admin and evaluation support for 1.5 hours a week for 30 weeks (£326.25), as well as access to physical activities for all the women involved for 3 sessions a week for 30 weeks (£1,350). The group expects 20 women to directly benefit from these activities.