Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of running the Hair and Beauty Pathway programme.
Year of grant: 22/3/2017
FR Number: FR-0040060
Amount awarded: £5000
Location: GLASGOW
Full description
The grant will contribute to the delivery of one block of the Pathways to Hair and Beauty course, covering costs for a Project Officer and Lifeskills Officer (£9749), premises costs (£5200), project administration (£875), advertising (£375), participant transport and subsistence (£1200), and project materials (£1300). From the 17th of April the project will engage 8 young unemployed women, aged between 16 and 30, in a 10-week programme of classroom-based and vocational learning, working towards the achievement of SQA accredited awards and supporting them to move on to training, education or employment following completion of the course. The project aims to develop the confidence of individuals, mostly from areas of disadvantage and referred by statutory services, through developing practical hair and beauty skills in partnership with a working salon in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire.