Investment theme: Pre-Investment Themes
To pay approx 8 hous of a new post which will support young women volunteers.
Year of grant: 2/4/2008
FR Number: FR-0010320
Amount awarded: £4000
Location: Edinburgh
Full description
To pay approx 8 hours of a new post which will support young women volunteers who progress through the activity groups and who remain as volunteers to support their work and gain qualifications and training that will help their career prospects. With these 8 hours the coordinator and Project Development officer will be able to give dedicated support time to the existing 8 volunteers, particularly the women under 30. The officer will also be able to recruit at least 2 new volunteers to develop a befriending service for vulnerable young girls to enable them to participate more confidently in groups. At least 11 volunteers will benefit directly from this project and potentially 70+ girls and young women will benefit indirectly.