Investment theme: Building skills and confidence
to contribute towards the cost of activities (£1,000) and room hire for 48 weeks (£1,440).
Year of grant: 10/12/2018
FR Number: FR-0046804
Amount awarded: £2440
Location: GIRVAN
Full description
The grant will cover the cost of activities (£1,000) and room hire for 48 weeks (£1,440) to continue to provide developmental training for the young women and female volunteers through media such as; the arts, health and fitness, healthy cooking and nutrition, outdoor activities and other workshops identified by the participants. They have recently secured a funded position through the Girvan Community Sport Hub which will ensure the continuation of the project worker post that was previously funded by Spirit of 2012. This worker has been in post for a year and has built up trust and rapport with the young women. The small activities budget will enable the actual content to be developed by the worker in consultation with the 30 participants over the year.