Investment theme: Building skills and confidence, Growing social connections, Improving health and well-being
Access to Industry, Edinburgh: £4942 2016 Tampon Tax: Funding for beauty therapy course for vulnerable women which developed expertise in on line delivery of practical courses and new partnerships with agencies working with vulnerable women contributing to on going work.
Purpose: to run five beauty therapy courses, all delivered online, 4 introductory courses and a 5th course offering an industry-accredited qualification. The majority of students (87%) had multiple barriers. 41% were homeless, 47% had substance misuse problems,47% mental health difficulties, 34% domestic abuse background, 50% lack of confidence.
On-line practical courses: This grant has allowed us to deliver 5 courses which we would not have been able to run otherwise. The idea of teaching a practical skill to vulnerable women over Zoom seemed unachievable, and this grant allowed us to explore this option and create something which the clients found enjoyable and helpful, and which will have long-term effects on them and us as an organisation. It also had an extremely high sustainment rate, with 31 of 32 women completing the courses. Moving forward, we will be able to use the knowledge we have gained to provide courses in a greater variety of ways, allowing us to be even more accessible for clients with barriers to accessing face to face learning.
Improving female participation: This grant has also allowed us to attract and recruit new women to the organisation and increase their voices. As we have a majority male clients, this grant has opened up new ways of engaging with women, which means that their voices will be able to influence our services more.
Better access to training for vulnerable women: As a result of this grant, we have also strengthened partnerships with Edinburgh Women’s Aid and Shakti Women’s Aid who sent us a large number of referrals onto these courses, broadening our reach to their clients.
A is 25 with no formal qualifications, in recovery from substance misuse,and suffers from anxiety and PTSD. She started the course in October 2020 and completed in January 2021, with excellent tutor feedback. Previously interested in college, she used the opportunity to gain skills and develop her confidence. With the support of her caseworker, she applied for college, and started studying level 3 beauty at the end of January.
“Overall it was a wonderful experience. I learnt a lot. Although it was hard for some people to do over zoom but for me I was ok and I enjoyed a lot and learnt very useful techniques. The course lectures are very understandable, informative and beautifully delivered.”
Women’s Fund for Scotland has given one grant of £4942 to Access to Industry. We are pleased we have been able to support your excellent work in this way. Thank you for all that you do and for choosing us as your funding partner.