Investment theme: Growing social connections, Improving health and well-being
Mothers and Families get more Emotional Support in the Highlands
HAPIS aim is to provide every Highland mother and her family, who are suffering from the emotional symptoms of ante or postnatal illness, friendship, support, information and the reassurance of a positive outcome and recovery.
The group meet regularly and provide a crèche worker so as mothers can have some respite from their children. Their informal meetings, attended by many ‘like’ mothers, means they can talk openly about their emotional feelings. In the group, without their children, they have the space and peace they need.
HAPIS also aim to help educate and inform the Highland Community about post natal depression, to help dispel the stigma. They keep up to date with current research and encourage other similar groups to start.
The Women’s Fund for Scotland awarded the group a grant of £501.00 to go towards the costs of a crèche worker and printing the HAPIS cards that advertise their core service to new mothers/partners and families and promote HAPIS to the whole Highland area.
“The award of the grant gives us at HAPIS such a tremendous boost both to our finances and to our self-esteem, acknowledging that we are doing something that is appreciated and so important in the Highland community.” Anne Simpson, Treasurer.