We were open for applications from 9th October 2023 until 16th November 2023 We received 87 applications with a total requested amount of £398,000 and project costs of £811,000 22 local authorities were represented 67 applications were first time applicants We sifted these applications and 36 were selected to have a full assessment. The 36…
Outfit Moray: Actively developing potential
How the Women’s Fund for Scotland has helped Outfit Moray. Outfit Moray is a social enterprise whose purpose is to make a positive difference to the lives of young people, families, volunteers and communities through the provision of accessible and affordable outdoor learning and adventure opportunities. In February 2011 the Women’s Fund for Scotland gave…
Gate 55: Helping young mums and their children in Edinburgh
How the Women’s Fund for Scotland has helped Gate 55 so far. Gate 55 run groups for young mums and their children in Sighthill, a disadvantaged area of Edinburgh. In October 2011 the Women’s Fund for Scotland gave them a grant of £4,200 to cover their activity and childcare costs for a year. The group…