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Highland Antenatal and Postnatal Illness Support (HAPIS)
Mothers and Families get more Emotional Support in the Highlands HAPIS aim is to provide every Highland mother and her family, who are suffering from the emotional symptoms of ante or postnatal illness, friendship, support, information and the reassurance of a positive outcome and recovery. The group meet regularly and provide a crèche worker so…
Borders Women’s Aid
Empowering Women in the Borders 1 in 4 women in Scotland will experience domestic abuse which is why an organisation like Border Women’s Aid is so vital. They offer safe accommodation, information and support to single women, and women with children who wish to escape domestic violence or abuse. They carry out a wide range…
Pink Ladies, Midlothian
Our grant provided training and tutors for workshops held in a safe environment aimed at vulnerable Midlothian women. This project is such a success that there is now a waiting list for membership to the group. Two recently widowed ladies felt deflated and isolated at the beginning of the project. By the end of the…
Muslim Women’s Association of Edinburgh
Our grant supported a multicultural fashion show enabling women from various cultures to display and inform people of their traditional dress. Alisha, 23, co-ordinated the fashion show from start to finish, including organising the clothes, models, music and the lists of sequences: “I had not done anything like this before and I’m now very confident…
Renfrewshire Women’s Association (RWA)
Our grant helped organizers run a local workshop event in Paisley Town Hall to raise awareness across Renfrewshire of the sensitive issues surrounding gender violence. One woman who attended gives her account of how the workshops and conference have helped her move forward with her life, including becoming a member of the RWA: “I feel…